Saturday, March 5, 2011


today i finally have electric in my room, finally. i didn't know whether to plug in a refrigerator or immediately look at online porn first. Obviously im on my computer now though with out the aid of a headlamp. excitement, yay.

obtained a work bench today as well, yeah its in my room now. im pretty happy about this, actually im fucking stoked about this epic "find".

looking at a bunch of pics my parents send me from equador, im starting to want to look into this place to live as well. i can defiantly see the appeal. im not worried about myself needing the "creature comforts" of the states but some people may...i dunno but hell such a healthier lifestyle one could live, longevity, quality of life etc etc.

as for work, it was a moderate day today. had some bullshit meetings were the chain of command asked us about shit and as soon as we opened our mouths it was time to go, reminds me of the army, kinda funny actually. i did learn one thing though, i work with some really good dudes and i work with some complete fucking retards that i have no idea how the fuck got hired. i can at least know they will continue to sit on their asses daily and say absolute fucktard shit over the radio. yeah, roger that fuck stick. out.

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