Thursday, March 3, 2011


Those pesky internets were down a couple days so I did not fall behind on my goal, there was simply zero way to post.

I saw about 5 dogs today running loose, rabid im sure. It sucks but i foresee my self shooting one eventually. if it comes down to getting bitten or shooting duh simple choice.

I almost beat the shit out of a fucktarded KBR guy yesterday. I had to walk out of the building get in my truck and drive away im pretty sure if i would have stayed a moment longer i would have beat his ass. I knew he would be calling my company to complain so i did the right thing and told the bosses what i wish i would have laid that fucker out.

I found out some information out about a person that Id rather not have the memories of that I even do, mostly comes down to lies of course. And ive actually only seen the above mentioned person 3x in real life. Next time i think ill just give a swift punch to the throat for good measure, mostly cos it will make me feel good.

Have been to busy the last 2 days to get the the gym. Been pretty un-motivated as it is so it doesnt really matter.

it got fucking cold as frozen balls again, this comes after 2 sandstorms in a row.

i could not sleep again, was wide awake till 3 hours before i had to wake up, yeah thats fun.

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